Monday, September 17, 2007


1. What is the optimal size of this group?

In general, the group size should not exceed 20 people. My reasoning on this number is that if we get too many people then individual contribution is very difficult to ascertain. That said, it is necessary to have enought people to represent the segments of community, education, and industry.

There should be two people from each segment/school/discipline/business. One primary and one backup.

2. Who should be represented?

a. Big industry (intel, SMUD, etc.)
b. Mom and pop (search the yellow pages and select a few business to solicit involvement from. also, tap into the Chamber of Commerce)

3. How should attendees be recruited?

a. Personal invitation from FLC - Gary.
b. Invitations from members to co-workers or other networks.

4. How should the seminar be structured?

a. Solid agenda with goals and activities clearly mapped out.
b. Break-out/working groups to work on the activities and deliverables.
c. Roll up/report out sessions to allow the working groups to report on their results.

5. What are the critical issues for discussion?

a. Solicitation of individual goals and objectives. (What do individuals want to get out of the team's collective work?)

6. What are some relevant goal statements for this activity?